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Tue, Jul 18, 2023,2


Donate to The Lab @ Silver Eye Launch Fund!

Click here to donate to The Lab Launch Fund!


The Lab @ Silver Eye has moved and is expanding to include a new Education Center. Silver Eye has been proud to be a place where our communities come together around photography and art. The new Lab @ Silver Eye’s Education Center will create more ways to get involved and to create, learn, and connect, than ever before!

We need your help to build out these new facilities and create this Creativity and Education Hub for artists and art-lovers in Pittsburgh and beyond.

Your donation today will support

  • Bookshelves for the Silver Eye library of photobooks
  • Chairs, desks, and whiteboards
  • Updating older computers
  • Honoraria for speakers and presenters at free events

Give any amount to be invited to a Lab Launch supporters' open house and be recognized on the Silver Eye website. Give $500 or more and have your name added to a Lab Launch appreciation panel in the Education Center as well as receive Photo Club membership. If your employer offers a matching grant you can double your impact!

Thank you for your support!!

Donate Today!