
Support the Annual Fund Support Silver Eye’s Annual Fund
For nearly forty years Silver Eye has supported artists and shared exciting, often ground-breaking, photography and art in Pittsburgh and beyond. Our museum quality exhibition program brings to Pittsburgh the work of artists creating original, innovative, and important work, often shown at Silver Eye for the first time anywhere. A gift to Silver Eye helps support our exhibitions, educational programs, discussions, film screenings, tours, and more. Your gift to Silver Eye is tax-deductible. Support Silver Eye with a donation today! Donate to the Annual Fund
The Lab Launch Fund The Lab Launch Fund: Help create The Lab @ Silver Eye
By contributing to The Lab Launch Fund, you can help create a new creativity and education hub in Pittsburgh, The Lab @ Silver Eye. Our digital lab and education center provide services to artists and formal and informal activities that bring photographers and other artists and art-lovers together to create, learn, and connect. Your support allows us to purchase furniture, update our equipment, and install an AV system, and more as well as provide honoraria for artists presenting at events that are free to the public. Donate to The Lab Launch Fund
Join the Silver Eye Photo Club Silver Eye Photo Club $500+
The Silver Eye Photo Club loves to connect with photography through deep, personal–and fun!–experiences. The Photo Club meets throughout the year to share a drink and bite and visit artists’ studios for frank conversations, go on candid exhibition tours with curators–sometimes even before they open to the public–and other events that explore photography and art’s big ideas in ways that are meaningful, intimate, and accessible. Join Photo Club Today!
Matching Gifts
If your employer offers a corporate matching gift program, you can increase the impact of your contribution to Silver Eye.
For your reference, Silver Eye’s Tax Identification Number is 25-1396717.
Gift Planning
Consider letting your legacy benefit future generations of photography lovers by supporting Silver Eye’s mission over time. There are many simple ways to include Silver Eye in your estate plans, such as naming Silver Eye in your will or living trust. Your gift can be a specific amount of money or a percentage of your estate. Consult with your financial advisor about the option that offers the best financial benefit to you and to the organization. For questions about gift planning contact