Friday, May 1st, 2020 Vol. 6
Studio Visits W/ Silver Eye
Tarrah Krajnak
Studio Visits w/ Silver Eye is a series of conversational, virtual studio and exhibition visits with artists from our community and beyond. In this episode Tarrah Krajnak discusses new, in progress work, making photographs in conversation with Ansel Adams, and considering new and diverse ways to approach the history of photography. Studio Visits w/ Silver Eye is hosted by Executive Director, David Oresick.
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Studio Visit Citations & Footnotes
Watch more videos fro Krajnak's Ansel series on her website.
Ansel Adams (Feb. 20 1902 — Apr. 22, 1984), was an iconic American photographer and environmentalist, known for his black-and-white photographs of the American West. His images of Yosemite National Park are perhaps his most well known. He was also a founding participant in the 20th century photography group f/64, who promoted the camera's unique mechanical qualities and sharpness and detail in depth in their work.
Dr. Rebecca Senf is the Chief Curator at the Center for Creative Photography in Tucson, AZ. Her new book, Making a Photographer: The Early Work of Ansel Adams was published earlier this year, and explores the early work of Adams, looking in particular at the first three formative decades of his career.
Samuel Delany is an award-winning African American author and literary critic whose work includes science fiction, memoir and criticism, and has been applauded for its ability to upend, reimagine and broaden these genres. In this conversation Krajnak references Delany’s memoir, The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village where Delany speaks to his experiences growing up as a gay, African American man.
Eloquent Nude: The Love and Legacy of Edward Weston & Charis Wilson is a 2007 documentary looking at the relationship between the significant American modernist photographer, Edward Weston, and Charis Wilson, his muse and model Charis Wilson.
Ana Mendieta was a Cuban-American performance artist, video-artist, and sculptor interested in the relationship between the female body and nature. Some of her most well known works include her earth-body performances and Silueta series, which her body, or more often, a simple outline of her figure, was impressed into various sites outdoors and the impression documented through photography or film.