Tue, Mar 9, 2021,5:30 Online
Reading Group
Thinking Through Photographs Topic 6: How Do Photographs Teach?
Topic 6: How Do Photographs Teach?
Tuesday, March 9th, 5:30pm EST
Facilitators: Artists Shannon Ebner and Sara Greenberger Rafferty
Our 6th meeting builds off of a symposium organized by Shannon Ebner and Sara Greenberger Rafferty at Pratt Institute in the Fall of 2019. One of the questions this symposium asked is how do photographs teach? This meeting will unpack how we seek meaning from photographs when we look to them as bearers of knowledge, and question how this search for meaning is different from looking to a photograph for information, fact, or even truth.
The reading for this meeting is available here: Fia Backström and Pradeep Dalal, “Photography in the Sensorium,” 2020
You can submit a question or comment about this week's topic and readings ahead of time here
Thinking through Photographs was originally developed as an in-person exhibition by Liz Park, University at Buffalo Art Galleries curator, and now takes the form of a downloadable resource binder of texts which consider photography’s complexities through eight different topics. Using the resource binder as a jumping off point, this free virtual reading group will meet regularly for eight sessions, covering one topic each meeting. A rotating group of guest artists, curators and writers will facilitate each meeting, bringing their own perspectives, specialties and selection of images for consideration along with the texts.