Spring 2021 Online
Reading Group
Thinking Through Photographs: A Virtual Reading Group Spring 2021
The University at Buffalo Art Galleries + Silver Eye Center for Photography continues in the Spring of 2021. Thinking through Photographs was originally developed as an in-person exhibition by Liz Park, UB Art Galleries curator, and now takes the form of a downloadable resource binder of texts which consider photography’s complexities through eight different topics.
The free, virtual reading group sessions will meet regularly for four sessions this spring, covering one topic each meeting. A rotating group of guest artists, curators and writers will facilitate each meeting, bringing their own perspectives, specialties and selection of images for consideration along with the texts. This reading group is designed to be a participatory and accessible convening for all who are curious about photography’s past, present and future to discuss the most vital issues facing the medium.
Register for the Reading Groups Here
You can download the resource binder here!
Couldn't make the Fall meetings? Check out the past recorded sessions here!
Topic 5: Unlearning Photographs
Tuesday, February 2nd, 5:30pm EST
Facilitators: Jared Thorne, Assistant Professor of Art at The Ohio State University
Yola Monakhov Stockton, Assistant Professor of Photography, Buffalo State University
Topic 6: How Do Photographs Teach?
Tuesday, March 9th, 5:30pm EST
Facilitators: Artists Shannon Ebner and Sara Greenberger Rafferty, Associate professor of Photography, Pratt Institute
Topic 7: How Do Photographs Perform?
Tuesday, March 23rd, 5:30pm EST
Facilitator: Kim Beck Associate Professor of Art, Carnegie Mellon University
Topic 8: How Are Photographs Made?
Tuesday, April 20th, 5:30pm EST
Facilitator: Artist John Opera, Assistant Professor, University at Buffalo